Tuesday, February 5, 2008

City Hall East / Ponce Park

Due East of downtown Atlanta on Ponce de Leon Ave sits the massive 2 million square foot complex that was once a Sears distribution center. Built in 1926 on the former site of Ponce de Leon Park, it is currently owned by the city of Atlanta and home to "City Hall East" and the Atlanta Police Department.

The developer who is renovating and converting this massive structure into a much more usable and beneficial space was gracious enough to allow a group of us explorers a tour of the facility.


  1. Very nice. Your group guide must've been a lot better than ours. I didn't even notice the lines on the floor from the merchandise racks, and our group ran out of time to fully look at the beltline areas. Where the hell was that elevator motor, in the tower?

  2. Nah, it's just that he's got a nice camera.


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