
Showing posts from May, 2013

Digispark and programming a raw ATtiny85 with Arduino

I was a backer of the Digispark last year, and love these little devices.  For those who haven't seen them, the Digispark is a tiny ~ 1 inch square board with an Atmel ATTiny85 microcontroller, male USB pins, and custom bootloader to allow it to be programmed directly from a computer USB port. More succinctly- It's the smallest, cheapest, and easiest way to build a simple Arduino project that doesn't require the larger Atmel microcontrollers. After playing with my initial three Digisparks for a while, I started coming up with uses for the ATtiny85 that made even the Digispark overkill.  For these simple circuits I didn't want (or need) the bootloader or the USB IO.  I just wanted a way to flash my code onto the raw ATtiny85 and move on.   Enter littlewire - a simple Atmel AVR programmer based on the ATtiny85 and it's ability to implement USB in firmware. Littlewire uses the same IO pins as the Digispark, so you can actually just flash the existing littlewir... is now hosted on Blogger! For those of you who follow my (neglected as of late) blog, you may have noticed some downtime lately.   My previous web hosting provider was being rather fascist about controlling the DNS for the domain names that I own, so I decided to re-take control of them and move my blog elsewhere. Blogger seemed like the easiest choice, as I have tired of maintaining WordPress on my own and never really liked it anyway. The move required me to export all my old posts, modify them to re-link all the static content that I had hosted elsewhere, convert it to Blogger-compatible format, and then import it into Blogger.  It seems to have gone relatively smoothly, but feel free to send me a message if something you're looking for is gone or doesn't work. On the positive side, I will probably go back to blogging cool stuff again, since I'm back on an easier platform to do it from. Cheers!  - K.C.