
Showing posts from July, 2007

The Strand Theater

After visiting the Roswell Cotton Mill, nonfucious remarked on an empty theater in Marietta. Since we were going to be in the area anyway we dropped by to take some pictures and eat dinner at the neighboring Chinese restaurant. Mmmm.. Mu shu! The theater is being renovated. The construction permits list the owner as "Friends of The Strand", so I guess their "Save the Strand" campaign worked! Good for them! Sadly, by the time we happened by the demolition of the old interior was nearly complete. Judging from the history (and trash in the construction dumpster) it was mostly 80's era stuff anyway, probably from a previous renovation.

Roswell Cotton Mill

This weekend I went with nonfucious to the Roswell Cotton Mill to take some pictures.

Industrial Fate

I discovered a cute 1920's bungalow while driving around near work. Two visits and a dozen yellowjacket stings later, I have some pictures. This house was extremely deteriorated. We tossed a brick into the dining room and it went through the floor and landed in the basement! I stuck near the walls and tread softly to take pictures. The "For Sale" sign in front of the property states: Prime Location. Zoned: Heavy Industrial . Poor old house. :(

Atlanta Prison Farm

There's an abandoned prison farm in SE Atlanta, hidden in the woods and completely covered by kudzu. I set out with a group of explorers I met on the Interwebs to find it. This was my first time at this location. It's amazing! According to Atlanta's "History of the Dept of Corrections" page, the prison farm was operated from 1945 to 1995.