Cessna 172 Weight & Balance Excel Worksheet

I created an Excel worksheet for easily computing, charting, and printing the weight & balance for my aircraft, based on an older version that I had found on the net somewhere. The values are specific to my aircraft, but the spreadsheet should be really easy to modify for other similar model Cessna 172 aircraft.

The spreadsheet includes a simple macro to make printing the worksheet portion easy. If you get the "Macros Enabled" warning, that is why.

To download, click the image:
C172 Weight & Balance Spreadsheet



  1. Well done! Thank you!

  2. a great approach to weight and balance

  3. I just bought a 1966 Skyhawk and this was EXACTLY what I've been looking for. Thank you!

  4. Wow thank you so much!!!!! Had to change quite a bit around for my 2008 cessna 172sp but it was a lot easier than making one from scratch. If anyone wants my updated one for the 2008 cessna 172 sp i can email it to you.

  5. Great spreadsheet, thanks. I'm getting back into flying after a four year hiatus and just happened across this. Thanks for putting it online.

  6. Thanks taking checkride Thursday and this will dress up my W&B calcs

  7. I'd love your version Eric. I'm flying a Cessna 172 SP G1000 and I'm not sure how to tweak anything but the arms, moments, and weights.

  8. Good spreadsheet. Thank you very much. Kindly post more important stuff like these.

  9. Hi
    Many thanks for this spreadsheet, and the fact it is not locked, AND you even give instructions to modify it!! Cool.

  10. Still using this sheet 5 years after its creation. +1


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