
Showing posts from September, 2011

Petition to to remove "Aviation User Fees" from Obama's budget proposal

There's a petition on the "We the People" section of to remove "Aviation User Fees" from Obama's proposal. Sign the petition here: It's worth mentioning that the petition acknowledges the need for additional taxes, and every pilot I've talked to agrees that an increase in existing tax revenues would be preferable to adding the infrastructure, bureaucracy, and overhead needed to collect a $100 fee for ATC interaction. In case you're interested, Here's Obama's proposal: sites/default/files/omb/ budget/fy2012/assets/ jointcommitteereport.pdf Here's the exact text proposing "User Fees:" (pp. 22-23) More equitably share payments for air traffic services. Roughly two-thirds of the air traffic control system’s current costs are financed by aviation excise taxes.  Most of the tax revenue is collected f...