Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan

Akihabara, or Akiba for short, is the well known electronics shopping district of Tokyo. Akiba's streets are lined with computer stores, electronics stores, DVD & music stores, and comic book stores. It's truly a geek's paradise. Where else can you find vendors putting milk crate "discount bins" on the sidewalk with such treasures as USB hard drives and AGP video cards?

The pictures below are actually from two trips to Akiba, I went back in search of Playstation 3 "Dualshock 3" controllers for some friends.


  1. If you can grab a fly with a chopstick you most certainly can grab a spaceheater with a 3 pronged metal claw... no?

  2. Just found your site- loving the pictures. On the red triangles on the buildings: In case of earthquake, if they fall over, they know which way *was* pointing down?


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